What about a reflective jacket for hens June 14, 2017vivianq Comment In the UK there is a company selling, among others, reflective vests for chickens. The reason for this business decision is in the Blogs on reflective clothing and reflective material. Be seen, be safer.
David emergency team launches a bike and safety vest June 2, 2017vivianq Comment Mogen David Adam emergency team launches a bicycle. It’s called Life Riders and is a new emergency response unit of the Mogen David Blogs on reflective clothing and reflective material. Be seen, be safer.
Reflective vests will replace fines for cyclists May 24, 2017vivianq Comment In order to maintain the current trend of reducing the number of victims of traffic accidents, from the category of pedestrians and cyclists, Blogs on reflective clothing and reflective material. Be seen, be safer.
Pedestrians on the roads – be visible with reflective vest April 7, 2017vivianq Comment Since 2010, the mortality of pedestrians on the roads is increasing. And accidents are more frequent at night. However, wearing the yellow vest Blogs on reflective clothing and reflective material. Be seen, be safer.
Safety vest let you go where you want January 4, 2017vivianq Comment The magazine Vice has published an enlightening survey: two Australian journalists were able to go wherever they wanted through a safety vest. Zoo, Blogs on reflective clothing and reflective material. Be seen, be safer.