Pedestrians on the roads – be visible with reflective vest

Since 2010, the mortality of pedestrians on the roads is increasing. And accidents are more frequent at night. However, wearing the yellow vest is not required in low visibility.


In 2014, 499 pedestrians were killed in France and 4323 in hospital for their injuries, according to statistics from the National Observatory for Road Safety (ONISR). Since 2010, the mortality rate of this category of users is constantly increasing.


At night, accidents are more frequent and severe. The share of night pedestrians killed 47% of pedestrian deaths, or 233 pedestrians. It is a little stronger than that of all users killed at night (41%). But this proportion varies depending on the environment: night pedestrians killed 32% of the pedestrian mortality in city (342 including 110 at night), 73% of the pedestrian mortality on roads outside urban areas (113, 83 at night) and 91% pedestrian deaths on highways.


At night or fog, pedestrians groups must be visible

Wearing retro reflective equipment, such as the yellow reflective vest is not required at night or in low visibility. The Road Safety recommends only pedestrians to wear light colored clothing or fitted with retro-reflective tape, to be visible 150 m instead of 30 m.


For cons, the Highway Code provides that “the night or the day when visibility is insufficient, processions, convoys, processions or groups organized pedestrians must be reported to the front by at least one white or yellow light on and at the rear by at least one red light lit”.


Wearing yellow vest for drivers to stop on the roadside

Since July 2008, motorists and drivers of heavy vehicles must wear a yellow vest when brought out of their vehicle stopped on the road or the roadside. Since 1st January 2016, this requirement also applies to drivers of motor vehicles two or three wheels.


Moreover, the labor code requires the wearing of high visibility clothing for workers involved on the roads and highways during a site or a temporary danger.


Educate younger

Many local initiatives to protect pedestrians have been adopted. County councils impose the wearing of the yellow vest to children who use the school bus. For the Ministry of Interior, “it is through awareness and education” that the number of pedestrian accidents decrease.


Since the school year of 2015, an awareness half-day good behavior and safety rules elementary was introduced in high schools. Wearing retro-reflective tape or fluorescent visibility elements on clothing, school bags or armbands is recommended.

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