Lannion-Trégor Community will promote the wearing of the high visibility vest introduced a year ago but very largely shunned by the students. Checks will take place.
“Minimum gesture – the maximum security”. Lannion-Trégor community (LTC) launched a high visibility vest one year ago for more than 3,500 pupils and students using its school transport network. Objective: To improve the visibility of the latter, especially when the day is fading or barely rising. But the account is not there. Few or no students wear this vest, as we explained to you at the end of October. In a press release produced Thursday, November 12, LTC concedes it: “We collectively have educational work to do, communities, schools, parents and school bus drivers so that this obligation is understood and respected by all”.
The agglomeration unveils “an action and mobilization plan” launched at the end of October. In detail, “An email was sent at the end of the All Saints’ day school holidays to all parents”. Carriers and school officials have also received a reminder and “a poster campaign is underway,” said LTC. Pandemic obliges, the transport service of the agglomeration intends to carry out in January and February an action of sensitization to security in ten colleges of the territory with evacuation exercises of a bus.
Finally, checks ( we also told you about this a few days ago ) will be carried out “at bus stops or arrival in establishments to check that the child has his subscription card and is wearing his card. vest”. The refractory will receive a letter reminding them of the penalties to which they are exposed: warning or even temporary exclusion.