An angel with a reflective mission September 11, 2017vivianq Comment I ride all over Poland giving out armbands and reflective vests on the way to children and cyclists – says Marcie Stewing, hailed Blogs on reflective clothing and reflective material. Be seen, be safer.
Safety equipment for vacation abroad June 26, 2017vivianq Comment Summer holidays are inexorably approaching and with them the holiday season. A lot of Czechs and managed together with the family car to Blogs on reflective clothing and reflective material. Be seen, be safer.
Mandatory Reflective vest for pedestrians May 9, 2017vivianq Comment From now required to wear reflective vest are all moving pedestrians outside built-up. “It’s just a few pounds, and thanks to the pedestrian Blogs on reflective clothing and reflective material. Be seen, be safer.
Police fined 556 people not carrying reflective vest May 8, 2017vivianq Comment Regions with more violations were Tarapacá and Los Lagos. Penalties reach $ 23 billion. From the Region of Arica, it was overseen the Blogs on reflective clothing and reflective material. Be seen, be safer.
They had their license about road safety April 18, 2017vivianq Comment Tuesday, June 22 at 16 hours was held the presentation of the cyclist graduation children CM. They received from the hand of Gerard Blogs on reflective clothing and reflective material. Be seen, be safer.
Students received a safety vest gift March 28, 2017vivianq Comment In the hall lunch café The Rous have Friday 51 students from grade 7 of primary Butterfly Garden and Borsch from alderman van Blogs on reflective clothing and reflective material. Be seen, be safer.
Some road safety equipment for cyclists April 18, 2016vivianq Comment The cheapest way that can be purchased online is a reflective vest straps with Velcro, to $ 16. In a local Cord, street Blogs on reflective clothing and reflective material. Be seen, be safer.
The number of road deaths rose by 9.5% January 21, 2016vivianq Comment TRANSPORT – Bad news on the front of road safety. The number of road deaths has increased again in August (+ 9.5%), with Blogs on reflective clothing and reflective material. Be seen, be safer.
New year’s time: intensification of road checks in the Channel January 20, 2016vivianq Comment At the approach of New Year’s Day, the Prefecture of La Mancha wishes to recall some common sense rules to be observed to Blogs on reflective clothing and reflective material. Be seen, be safer.
Road Safety Council: New change for bickers in 2016 January 19, 2016vivianq Comment Flanging, wearing gloves, yellow vest in reflective tape, interfiles: what will change for bikers in 2016? The year 2016 has just begun will Blogs on reflective clothing and reflective material. Be seen, be safer.