TRANSPORT – Bad news on the front of road safety. The number of road deaths has increased again in August (+ 9.5%), with 335 people killed in 30 days, confirming a rising trend since the beginning of the year, announced Wednesday, September 9th Observatory National Road Safety.
“Since the beginning of 2015, the increase in road deaths was 4.6% in the first eight months,” said the Interior Ministry in a statement. These poor figures, but less disastrous than in July (19.2% of deaths), bring to 2253 the number of people killed in the first eight months of the year, 99 more than in the first eight months 2014.
The ministry also announced commissioning “in the coming days, 111 two-way speed cameras in 18 departments. This new device will allow one device to control two traffic lanes in opposite directions,” it said in this press release welcoming the “19 of the 26 measures announced” by Bernard Cazeneuve in January “is now in force.”
Tuesday, September 8, Bernard Cazeneuve had recognized that the trend was “not good”, explaining the poor figures of August by the “very lenient meteorology”, that “many more French took to the road and that a minority of French behaved without any particular standard causing fatal accidents.”
On August 14, the day after the publication of the report in July, which marked an increase of 19.2% in the number of deaths on the roads of France, the Minister had improvised a visit to the Arches hospital in the suburbs Paris, where are treated the accident victims, to launch a “call to responsibility” and had indicated that the government intended to “take further measures” against the “relaxation of behavior.”
“This call was not heard,” says the president of the League against road violence, Chantal Perdition, that the road fatality figures were “predictable”: “Last year’s good figures that were due ‘to unfavorable weather. The Minister had appropriated improperly good results and had totally ignored the fact that motorized two-wheelers, when it rains, without reflective tape, do not come out. And today, it evokes the weather “if she annoys.
Chantal believes the Minister Perdition lack of “political courage”: “Mr. Cazeneuve behind the acceptability of measures by the population not to take decisions”. The activist claims including lowering the speed limit from 90 to 80 km / h on national roads two-way lanes without separator, a measure that the Minister has so far chosen to experiment on three axes during accident-prone two years.
In early August, Manuel Vales has announced “at the exit of summer” of a committee for road safety (IRB), a first since May 2011. It is now accepted that this committee, which will be held October 2, give birth to a new series of measures to stem the rampant macabre trend on French roads.
The Committee will contain “new measures”, confirmed the Minister of the Interior, stating that “the enforcement aspect would be strengthened” and that prevention would be “a major focus”. But “all the measures we take will be in vain if there is not a country in the collective consciousness, if there is no will to change behavior,” he had warned.
“The last committee, end] left a bad memory,” he told Europe 1 Tuesday on Emmanuel Barbed, safety vest is important for road safety, explaining that “measures were announced which could not be implemented precisely for reasons of acceptability.”
“We are in a phase of ascent, reversing the trend,” the expert analysis in accident Claude Got, who resigned in March of the expert committee of the National Road Safety Council (NSRC) to denounce the government inaction. He said it should “give credibility to the control system and sanctions” and to “make all the findings of infringement and contravention result in punishment.”