Police fined 556 people not carrying reflective vest

Regions with more violations were Tarapacá and Los Lagos. Penalties reach $ 23 billion. From the Region of Arica, it was overseen the rule requiring the wearing of reflective vest in the safety kit of all motor vehicles, according to data provided by police to the National Committee for Traffic Safety.


More than eight million Carabineers controls performed during 2016; of them, 556 people were fined for not conforming to the regulations, with the regions of Carapace and Los Lagos which lead the ranking of offenses. Studied fines ranging from $ 9,200 to $ 23,000


It is recalled that the measure had a controversial debate, both the authorities and social networks, the obligation to be yellow, made with fluorescent material and have bands of retro reflective material of a width not less than 50 mm.


Deputy Leopold noted that “although the offenses are few compared to the total financial controls, striking a high percentage is concentrated in regions like Tarapacá. He speaks of the need to extend awareness campaigns in all corners of Chile “.

At that point the parliamentary asked urgency to the legal initiative to use reflective vest mandatory

“I applied for a balance, because we need to know the impact that this measure has generated in people and I insist that is not enough to have it kept in the car, the vest must use it.”


The chairman of the Transport Committee of the Chamber of Deputies, Mario, stated that “if the fines are few, it is because the vast majority complied with the spirit of the rule. Several propose that the measure should be accompanied by a legal amendment, to give him strength, but I think that while it is important to process it, I do not think it’s urgent. ”


For the manager of public affairs for the Automobile Club of Chile, Alberto Escobar, and the figures “are consistent with studies that we have done in the regions of Los Lagos and Carapace, they realize they are rather refractory to road safety rules, no I know if because they are more relaxed. Overall, the numbers seem to me well, considering an automotive park of more than four million cars. ”


The obligation to use the pledge security, the expert said “it is interesting, but it would take at least one year, and if we are going to devote to a project that time I push the idea of ​​automated center of infringement, so that we count with electronic speed control.

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