With the delivery of security elements, awareness actions and training, the Government works hard in the prevention of accidents. In order to strengthen road safety, the provincial government delivered helmets and reflective vests to members of the Moto cooperative. The undersecretary of Road Safety, Marcelo Domecq, led the delivery, occasion in which he highlighted the increase in helmet use rates at the provincial level, which oscillates around 60%.
“The delivery of security elements is one of the many initiatives that are carried out within the framework of road safety policies in order to raise awareness in the population and reduce accident rates,” said the official. Domecq commented that since the beginning of the administration, measurements have been made regarding the use of helmets, going from 35% in 2015 to 60% today. “Although there is still much to be done, people are becoming aware of it little by little; it is essential that they make their contribution because the helmet and safety vest saves lives, “remarked Domecq.
Regarding its use, he explained that although during the week it is often used, the rates of use decrease towards the weekends. “Before the key, you have to grab the helmet,” the official stressed in the context of social awareness campaigns.
On the other hand, he commented that the present delivery was made at the request of the cooperative and in that line; he valued the interest of the same to preserve life. “The Moto are very exposed in the street constantly, they constitute a group of high risk, reason why the helmet is a vital element for the type of work that they realize,” maintained. He also indicated that in parallel, the Undersecretary of Road Safety also carries out awareness and training actions in schools, along with various awareness campaigns on road safety.
Fabio attended the event from the Cooperative Moto, who thanked the Chaco state for its support to guarantee the safety of workers in the sector. “We are very grateful to the government that this year has accompanied us in several initiatives, such as road safety, labor regulation and parking tolerance; this province is an example at the national level in terms of demands for workers in the sector, “he said.