‘Wear a reflective vest,’ recommended for cyclists

Czech society is inundated with all kinds of magazines, where the leading designers in a position to advise the fashion police, what is being “cool” or “in.”

A man and knows how to dress up the company when going on a date or at a party, but nowhere is this “fashion” guru mention that it would also be very fashionable to ride a bike in the “cool” reflective vest.


Although it does not come from the workshop of any Dolce & Cabana and Versace, but it has its added value in the fact that people on the road often saves lives. Her putting, perhaps even on designer clothes, the man had become visible for many drivers. Many cyclists dressed like this so difficult getting to police statistics withheld Kola.


Fashion police are replaced by real ones

Perhaps for this lack of awareness from fashion designers to counselors proper clothing to round venturing state police, who will advise cyclists as they the roads dress to be visible to other road users. This is all part of the “see and be seen.” It may so happen that just stops you a cop and you will explain that wearing a reflective material vest for your life “cool.” And if this lecture is nothing in life brings so will hopefully help you in your decision making eloquent statistics.


Since the beginning of the end of October East-Bohemian police investigated 416 accidents for cyclists. Just to police drove out to 270 incidents in which 140 cases were to blame just cyclist. “Four cases ended with the death of forty-seven bikers and cyclists suffered serious injuries,” said police spokeswoman Basov Hradec. The last fatal accident occurred at the beginning of November Street in Hradec Kralove, where a truck collided woman. “Thirty-three truck driver drove onto the main road where the cyclist collided older. The cause of the accident is still investigating, we do not know whether a woman riding a bike or a lead, “said spokeswoman Anna Hradec that alcohol on the driver’s breath test refuted. For police officers is also alarming number of cyclists, as the guilty party who consumed alcohol before driving. “While last year caused an accident in Hradec Kralove region 24 drunken cyclists, this year is already 46. The highest number was recorded in Hradec Kralove, where we have been caught drunk sixteen cyclists, compared with eight last year’s cases,” said Basov that police will be uncompromising in this respect and audit focus in this direction. The project, aimed at bikers, cops do not come this year for the first time. In the Hradec Kralove Region those in relation to transportation priorities in 2011 made several. “For example, we distributed hundreds of reflective safety vests for children in several regional kindergartens,” said Basov.


In neighboring Pardubice region in ten months of this year investigated 146 accidents involving cyclists in whom two wheelwrights died and 17 of them were seriously injured.

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