With the hot season approaches, people used more often as a means of transport or just for leisure bikes. In addition to the beneficial aspects, cycling with reflective vest requires certain attitudes and behavioral preventive component to be taken.
Primarily those walking the bicycle must comply with traffic laws and take all necessary measures to not be involved in road events.
But another thing to consider is how to ensure the bikes and citizens must comply with minimum rules to avoid becoming victims of crimes of theft.
On 09.04.2016, around 11.15, Suceava Police Department was notified by a woman 46 years from the locality, the fact that unknown persons stole his bike daughters in front of a shop in the town center.
During the investigation revealed that at around 10.20, the minor went into a shop to shop and left the bike in front of the store without provide. When out of the store he found that the bike was stolen and told her mother, who notified act.
The damage was estimated by the applicant in the amount of 400 lei is a civil party.
At issue was a criminal case against the crime of robbery, research being pursued by police Criminal Investigation Office to identify the perpetrators and injury recovery.
Cops recommends bikes to be stored only in enclosed and secured with safety systems. Do not leave bicycles unattended in parks or outside the stores, because, by their nature, are an easy target for thieves who can provide immediate refuge, moving object even crime – ie bike concerned.
Ensure wheel lock with special chains and other safety systems.
Do not store the bikes with reflective tape in unlit areas, in staircases, especially if you are not equipped with intercom.
Keep documents and other identification data acquisition bicycles.
Given the fact that during the hot season, the bicycle is a vehicle extensively used both for transportation and for recreation, police Suceava support the citizens with a series of useful tips to prevent tampering this: Endowed your bike theft devices! It is recommended to always use two systems to ensure bicycle theft: one of the safety systems must ensure the wheel back and the body of the bike is secured, the other system must go through the other wheel and bicycle frame. By this way, it eliminates the risk of being stolen wheels! Fixed body to be provided bicycles to be securely fixed in the ground and high enough not to be torn times to not be raised above the bike. To increase safety handlebar, saddle and bicycle wheels replace the system of “quick release” locking anti-theft systems with a special locks. Do not leave your bike unsecured never, not even for a few seconds! Park your bike only in special places! Staircases or other attachments are places where thieves often works best. Many bike owners leave their bike at night or for longer periods, provided the railing on the stairs of the building. How to make access in the building, the attention we pay to foreign persons / suspicious that we see in the block are other elements that lead to deter offenders and increased protection of the bicycle. Do not leave luggage or goods bicycle basket! Do not buy bikes whose origin can not be justified or whose price is very low. Thieves will immediately sell stolen bike. Refuse such bargains and thus discourage that shield. If you are the victim or witness a theft, do not hesitate to notify the police by calling 112 single emergency number!
Also, to prevent cyclists involved in road events we recommend to signal early and prominently any change of direction of travel. Manifest attention in the intersections. Stop at the corner of streets to ensure that you can continue driving safely. Focus on traffic permanently. Do not listen to music and not talking on your cell phone while you’re cycling. Be visible in traffic! Wear bright colors that you emphasize when you use the bike at night, if you can not avoid travel, it is recommended to wear a safety vest. Check technical condition of the bicycle (always before starting, do a quick check on the condition of the tires, functioning brakes, horn and lighting system); Use tracks for cyclists. Do not carry people or bulky luggage that can unbalance. Storage minimum necessary to use a backpack or bike basket.
Bicycle uninsured pedestrians need