The inhabitants of the Pszczółki commune, wanting to support Father Tadeusz, a Franciscan from this town, who runs a mission in Africa daily, organize a charity campaign called “Vest reflectors”. On Sunday, April 25, after all the Holy Masses in the Church of the Sacred Heart of Jesus in Pszczółki in Pszczółki, it will be possible to make gifts for the missionary’s charges. Check what is needed.
A charity group from the parish of the Sacred Heart of Jesus in Pszczółki is organizing a fundraiser for Father Tadeusz Brzozowski and his charges in Kenya.
“Father Tadeusz, a Franciscan, a native of Pszczółki, has been carrying out his mission in Africa for many years. We support him in this work and once a year we organize fundraisers for his charges,” says Wiesława Danielczyk, coordinator of the campaign. Next Sunday, April 25, after all, masses: 7.00, 8.45, 10.00, 11.30, 13.00, 17.30, and 20.00 there will be a collection of, hair elastics and reflective gadgets, reflective vests, balls for the leg and volleyball. Gifts can also be presented until April 30 in the sacristy of the church, before and after masses.
A Franciscan leads their school, hospital, apprenticeship workshops there. He cares for around five hundred children, mostly orphans. It prepares young people for adult life and priestly and religious service. Raises funds for the construction of a sanctuary in Subukia. The missionary also remembers about his hometown and comes to Pszczółki now and then.
“Last year he was with us on Missionary Day. At that time, the inhabitants brought to the baskets on display. Each meeting with Father Tadeusz always brings joy to our hearts and a smile on our faces. Greetings in African JAMBO and we invite you to join our action,” adds Wiesława Danielczyk .balls, balloons, hair bands, and glasses.