The observatory of road accidents of the Police Transit and Transportation Directorate, conducted a study where it was determined that 45% of deaths in road accidents in Colombia occur at night, this figure already records at least 2,054 deaths, which expresses the need to understand that “the greater the visibility, the greater the possibility of avoiding an accident”.
Cyclists who do not wear a reflective vest or drivers who do not use the directionals are the main protagonists of automobile accidents caused at night. For this reason, it is necessary that the road actors are aware of night vision limitations and adopt these simple habits that will prevent accidents, such as the use of retro-reflective garments with reflective fabrics.
“The lack of culture and road safety has caused a high number of fatalities on the roads and there are already more than 2,000 deaths in low-light sites,” says General William Salamanca, director of the Traffic Police.
It is important to clarify that the use of the reflective vest is not mandatory in Colombia, even so, if it is the use of a reflective garment at night, more exactly in the period between 6 p.m. and 6 a.m.
As pedestrians, cyclists and motorcyclists are the most vulnerable actors on the road, this phenomenon is also transferred to freight vehicles, which is why the Ministry of Transportation issued resolution 3246 of August 3, 2018, through which it was regulated the use of retro-reflective tapes in bus-type vehicles, bus, minibus, truck, van, tractor, dump trucks, as well as in trailers and semi-trailers with a gross vehicle weight greater than 0.75 tons.
In this way, the National Police seeks with the campaign “Make Yourself Visible”, that the road actors become aware of the importance of using reflective at night which becomes a preventive tool on the road that will help to avoid accidents and pay fines.