Regulation for motorcyclists is not met

Although there are rules to drive motorcycles in Guatemala, these are little known or disrespected as reported by the Traffic Department of the National Civil Police (PNC).


The Traffic Regulations establish norms for those who administer the delivery of food at home and for the drivers of the delivery bikes.


The regulations indicate that delivery drivers must use the uniform and badge of the company, and like all motorists, they prohibited from zigzagging and riding between lanes. Although sanctions established for these last faults, the rules are not met.


Motorcyclists must not drive more than 60 km per hour on main arteries and more than 50 km per hour on secondary arteries. They also prohibited from transporting objects that exceed the size of the motorcycle since they will be fined Q200.


It is forbidden to attach to another vehicle on a public road to transit or drive on sidewalks. If they do not comply with these aspects they deserve a fine of Q500, according to the Regulation.


The authorities insist that private motorists should wear an orange vest, with reflective tapes of reflective material, and have the motorcycle plate number printed on it, just like in the protective helmet. For this identification, digits and letters of Arial type must be used.


The plate number on the safety vest must be visible at a minimum distance of five meters. The driver or the passenger must not carry any object that covers this identification.


“There are not many rules, but most are disrespected, and others do not know the Regulation, but not wearing a helmet is common. So, that’s disrespect, “said the head of the Traffic Department, Ottoiel Sandoval.


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