Since the switch to winter time last week, the night falls even earlier and pedestrians and cyclists are not necessarily aware.

Nearly 50% of pedestrian mortality occurs between October and January.

In low light, the visibility of drivers is greatly reduced. A pedestrian or a cyclist is then visible only 30 meters by motorists in normal traffic conditions. However, at 50 km/h, it takes about 25 meters for a car to stop.

The usefulness of the retro-reflective vest

To avoid taking risks, pedestrians and cyclists must be very visible.

A simple way to wear a safety vest or reflective clothing and/or wear clothing and accessories with retro-reflective tapes or stickers.

These devices make a pedestrian or cyclist visible more than 150 meters, five times more than normal.

As a reminder, the wearing of a certified retro-reflective vest is mandatory for any cyclist traveling outside of town, at night, or when visibility is insufficient.

Cyclists must not forget that lighting is mandatory on bicycles (front light yellow or white, red taillight, orange reflective materials on the pedals and wheels).

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