For more visibility: Using reflective vests


Every nineteen minutes a child is injured in traffic. In 2015, this was 28,235 children under the age of 15. 84 of them died. The ADAC Foundation has set itself the task of reducing this number. Better visibility should significantly increase the safety of children. For this purpose, bright yellow safety vests are distributed to first graders under the motto “Just go safe”.

The starting signal for the nationwide campaign, which will again be supported this year by the Deutsche Post DHL Group, has fallen today in the Grundschule in Hannover. Under the motto ” Just go safe” first graders at 16,000 elementary schools receive a total of 760,000 vest.

“Thanks to the safety vest, children are perceived from a distance of 140 meters, and in dark clothing, they are only seen from 25 meters,” explains Dr. med. Andrea David, Managing Director of the ADAC Foundation. “Considering that the stopping distance of a car in an emergency braking from 50km / h is about 28 meters, you can see how effectively the safety for children can be increased by wearing the safety vest with reflective materials.”

It is important not only to distribute the vest in the schools and an interestingly designed traffic lessons, but also the education of parents, so that the vest is also worn permanently. Primary school children perceive their environment differently, do not have the necessary overview because of their height, and are often unaware of road hazards. The directional hearing is not yet pronounced. So the right behavior has to be learned first. At this age, the children are at particular risk and need all the support that is available.

Mr. Oliver Schliebs, Divisional Board Member for Sales at Deutsche Post, emphasizes: “We are very concerned about the safety of all road users and especially the children.” As one of the largest fleet operators in Germany, we know the dangers of the dark season and the limited visibility of pedestrians. That is why we are happy to make our contribution by taking over the entire logistics of the safety vests with reflective tapes – from shipping to customs clearance through to shipping the 37,000 parcels – free of charge. “

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