Safety vests for first-graders: visibility for safety


First graders in and around get neon yellow warning reflective vests from the ADAC Foundation. This should protect the little ones from danger and accidents.

The dark season is approaching. Now comes a time when you should put a lot of emphasis on road traffic on being well seen to avoid accidents. One group that is endangered in traffic is children. Every year about 30,000 children involved in a traffic accident in Germany. For this reason, the ADAC Foundation is distributing around 770,000 neon yellow safety vests (which sewn-on reflective tapes) nationwide to first-graders this year, who have not yet traveled the school way for too long. Because the physical and mental abilities of first graders are by nature not yet fully developed, the freshmen are disadvantaged compared to other road users. They are significantly smaller than adults, which are why they have less overview. In addition, they are perceived by motorists late or not at all. And first-graders cannot yet locate sounds well and respond more slowly than adults.

Also in the surrounding communities, the consultants were on the road since the beginning of the current school year. For example, the ADAC Foundation has distributed about 150 neon yellow warning vests recently to first-graders in the elementary schools. “We make the children aware of the important topic of visibility in traffic,” said Alfred Haag of his deployment. The first graders at the appointment already knew well. Alexander was the first to put on his new vest after spontaneously getting the answer he needed to get the reflective safety vest.

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