Early dimming made traffic police officers control the use of reflective elements by pedestrians. If they are wearing them in the dark outside the village, they can get a fine of two thousand. Tragic accidents due to poor visibility of the pedestrian are gradually declining, police say. People die mainly in municipalities where the obligation to wear reflective elements does not apply. However, experts recommend using them as well.
According to some traffic police officers, pedestrians outside the village are more consistently identified than in the past. “There is no need for reflection in the village, but there are places not equipped with street lighting. In addition, there is a need for it, “says Jacob Drape, who carries the reflective material. The traffic police director Milan Larch considers the debate on the introduction of the obligatory wearing of reflective elements also on the territory of the municipalities to be inevitable. “Together with BESIP we will support this idea,” says Larch.
For example, in 2016 there were 164 cases of pedestrian accident with a car outside the village, of which 40 per cent of pedestrians did not carry any reflection. The last figures show that the number of victims is decreasing. There are 79 killed pedestrians, but the majority of them were in the village.
The risk of an accident after dark is up to four times higher than during the day. The driver 50 meters sees the pedestrian without the reflective vest. If it drives 80 km / h, it has 2 seconds for the reaction, the reaction time being seconds. During his journey, his car will drive 22 meters. Therefore, he has 28 meters left. In this case, the stopping distance is 32 meters, on the wet roads it is ten longer. The driver then has only the option of crossing the opposite and risking collision with another car.