Gabriela without wearing safety vest from Mazowiecki twice had a broken arm by accident on a bicycle. Fortunately, it was no luck with the car crashes, but getting the right skills will help to avoid future accidents.
“I drove to the curb; my bike somehow rolled and broke my arm. I try to forget it because it cost me a lot of tears. “I think as I pass on a bicycle card, it will not happen again,” she adds. Her colleague, Kaila, goes to school on a bicycle. For the moment, due to the lack of a cycling card, he is walking on the pavement. “Once, a car coming out of the property swept my nose. I was very frightened then – says the boy.
Gabriela and Kaila are among the 16,000 fourth-graders who take part this year in McDonald’s “Safe Driving. As each year the program is very successful both among teachers and students. One of the schools that joined the program is Primary School No. 2 in Mazowiecki, attended by Gabriela and Kaila.
The head of the school learned about “Safe Driving” from the Internet and immediately attracted the teacher of communication education Renate. “We decided to report to our school,” says Renate. Stall ads: “Children come from different, often remote villages. A large part of the students come to school on a bicycle. That’s why it’s so important to keep them safe on the road, “explains the director.
Gabriela learns road rules very diligently. “I really like cycling. I especially go on bike trips with my grandmother – says the girl. – Sometimes I go to the website “Safe Driving” and solve the cycling test. Yesterday I had 80 percent of good answers – he adds with pride.
It’s about what to play. Participants in the “Safe Driving” program receive reflective vests and reflectors that improve road safety. The winning school will be equipped with a great traffic road.