Safety vest for Vosges work in snowy weather

While the first snow fell in the night of Monday to Tuesday, everyone must adapt, especially those working outdoors. Every workers need to wear safety vest. This is the case of employees of the National Forestry Office.


Bruno Claudel works for the National Forest since 1983. Initially forest officer, he is since 2010 responsible for sales of timber from state forests.

“This type of contract allows working directly and promotes the development of the local economy,” says Bruno Claudel.


The plot of which Bruno is responsible is 750 hectares. In its original mission, is therefore added a trade mission: “I now spend 50% of my time to farm management. Felled trees are carefully selected by a team that marks one year to the next. “The felling of large trees will allow smaller to grow and to reach an acceptable size to be in turn used in a few years.


Safety rules and equipment

“If the ground is too frozen in depth, we must stop the construction. This can become slippery and unstable, and there it is not possible to continue working. This can be dangerous for loggers that can hurt and shaft can slide like a banana peel. In the jargon we say that the wooden spear. It can go downhill and become damaged or break. It then becomes unusable. ”


Question equipment, loggers obey certain rules, like winter.

All must wear a reflective jacket and pants anti cut. These particular clothes are made of special fibers that prevent collisions with the chainsaw. If the unit were to fall on the worker, he stops short, making impossible the accident.


Loggers must also wear safety shoes. The soles are lined with steel and have a steel toecap. As men must travel in the forest and the terrain is often steep, vibram soles are. The fluorescent vest port is essential because visibility is reduced by snow. So be visible.


When it’s cold, dead branches can break and fall. Therefore, wearing a helmet with visor and the goggles is mandatory.


The advantages of the snow

“When it snows, the work is more difficult, we need to wear safety clothing, but it is a special moment with nature. We can observe the traces in the snow and thereby detect the presence of animals. Then we can know which animals have been there. In the forest we have the big game such as wild boar, deer and roe deer as well as hares, foxes and various species of birds. “

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