“A Bright Future”: Under this motto, the “Gelber Engel” and the German postal distribute today nationwide at 750,000 graders in 16,000 primary schools the bright yellow safety vests. Since the beginning of the action in 2010 issued the ADAC Stiftung “Yellow Angel” with their supporters around 5.3 million free safety vests to first graders.
In Erfurt Today saw the launch of this year’s action in Thuringia: the primary school at Steigerwald is one of the more than 430 participating schools in this state. Approximately 17,000 first graders and preschoolers in Thuringia received a safety vest.
Especially in the dark season young road users are often overlooked. Reflectors and signal colors increase visibility: A child in dark clothing detects a driver first from 25 meters, with safety reflective vest already from 140 meters. Lachner explains: “A safety vest and light-colored clothing to increase the visibility of school starters and thus reduce the risk of accidents. Parents should work with their children in advance to school, so the first-graders learn the safest route and the handling of hazardous situations to know. ”
This first-graders come safely to the destination, is open to adults, as good examples to go ahead. Minister Dr. Birgit emphasized: “Our children should have a safe school. The reflective jackets help the students safely come back home and go to school. Despite our appeal applies to drivers who should take extra care in the vicinity of schools. “