Children up to the age of 10 years are allowed to ride a bicycle in the yard only.
When driving in the dark or in poor visibility, the bike on fire in front of a white and a red light to the rear. When driving a moped must at all times in front of white light.
In addition to their own safety, it is advisable to cycling after dark or in bad visibility, use the yellow reflective vest and a bicycle behind the flashing red lights. Visibility during the day will help to improve the brightly colored reflective clothing (fluorescent yellow or orange), especially when running on a road regularly. The above recommendations will help to protect the life and health of the rider. It is also recalled that the bike should ride on the right side of the road.
Bicycle and moped while intoxicated is prohibited by management. Failure to comply with these requirements will result in a misdemeanor protocol, and the penalty can go up to 400 Euros. The new Traffic Act moped motor vehicle, which extends the compulsory motor insurance for mopeds.
It is very important to remember that the two-wheel drive vehicle the driver is always compared to the weaker party – regardless of who is at fault in the accident, serious injuries can generally just two-wheeled vehicles on the leaders. Thus, just to be on the road while navigating them ourselves is especially careful. Only mutual attention and caring of each other will help to avoid accidents.
We are glad that more and more people to inform the police on our streets-roads to ride gone drunk drivers or speeding liiklushuligaanidest. Thanks to such notices are also a number of police patrols in dangerous leaders detained.
Thus, at present and in the future it is very important to travel with their seatbelts fastened. Seat belts must be used even if it is a short ride. I’ve noticed that many parents do not use seat belts themselves, when they are driving in the morning to the kindergarten children, not to mention the children’s safety equipment. Downright inexcusable for such a case where the driver drives a child in her arms.
Many teens are increasingly exposed to the total of tobacco products and alcohol. From prayer for parents – feel more interest in their children’s engagement and concerns against.
Young people in the recommendation and guidance of the 10 ways to avoid getting into trouble:
Do not fire playfulness mood on the street Dawn of a ‘Memories’ sing
Do not stay in the wrong place at the wrong time
Think three times before, if something Face book, Rout, or write Rates’
Believe parents, teachers with safety vest, and night watchman supervõimetesse
Coming up is the Midsummer: Estonia longest day and the shortest night of the year. Ireland lost on the road in 2009 five months of the life of 37 people were killed during the same period in 2010, and this year 24 people have been killed in traffic for 33 people. These numbers are thought provoking. If 2009 people died on major highways, last year and this year they have reached the number of fatal traffic accidents in the smaller roads. Alcohol is still predominantly a problem among young people. Every other driver involved in an accident under the influence of the motor vehicle was under the age of 30 years, only one-fifth of cases were older than 45 years. The lion’s share intoxicated during traffic accidents take place on weekends and holidays, they are often associated with organized outdoor events in many parts of Estonia.
Here, I advise all citizens of the municipality, who have nowhere to motor vehicle traffic, keep in mind two recommendations:
Make sure that the driver is sober, before you sit down in the car.
If you follow these suggestions, you will believe that everything goes well and reach the destination safely. Think ahead and join the campaign “Drive sober.” Be willing to take responsibility for himself, for his friends, the Midsummer Night passes for all of us in a fun way, memorably, but without any trouble, and penalties.
Finally, I would add that I will continue to be residents of the municipality of Kolga-Jaani Parish house on Tuesdays, 8:00 to 9:00. In case of problems, you can call the police with reflective uniform at any time by short number 110 or by calling me 51 65 977th
I wish all the residents of the municipality for both large and small liiklumist safe and beautiful, and so many activities in the summer!