Do you care about visibility on the road?

Everyone knows how important children’s safety is on the road. It is good, however, if this awareness translates into real action and real accident prevention. A nationwide initiative comes out Kramp – one of the largest suppliers of spare parts and accessories for the agricultural industry in Europe and at the same time the owner of the Grene chain of stores, based in Modła Królewska near Konin.


“The company decided to supply all kindergartens in our city and the surrounding area (25 facilities) with reflective vests. It is very important for parents to take care of their kids’ safety on the road, especially in autumn, when the weather conditions make the visibility of pedestrians much weaker when returning from school. The simple matter of wearing vests for children provides them with greater safety and thus reduces the risk of an accident.” says Monika Leksowska, Marketing Manager at Kramp Polska.


Education of children promises for the future from an early age. We must focus on shaping the right behavior when moving in traffic, regardless of whether we are pedestrians, cyclists or passengers. We follow the same principle – let’s take care of mutual security. Not without reason, however, most attention is focused on people moving on foot. Our country’s statistics show that 50% of pedestrians – road accident participants lose their lives. This is terrifying information that should motivate us to act on how to prevent it and reduce this number.


“It is impossible to visit all the kindergartens in the region or country, although we would love to. We went to one of the Konin branches, where we talked with children and asked if they knew how to stay safe. Fortunately, preschoolers have shown great awareness of the need to wear glare. We didn’t expect that. They surprised us very positively.” sums up Monika Leksowska.


Representatives of the Kramp company visited the Bajka Kindergarten No. 25 in Konin on November 4, giving children specially prepared yellow safety vests with reflective tape. In parallel with the vest-giving campaign, Kramp also campaigns for its clients. The company sends children’s reflective vests to 500 customers in regions where the risk of children being hit is highest according to the National Road Safety Council. The whole enterprise “Kramp cares for your safety” began in October, when in Grene stores in Poland, every customer received a reflective band with reflective material.


Small things can save lives. Education begins with the simplest safety rules. Children, as it turns out, know this best. Let’s not be worse in this respect. Let’s not be shy and put on our vests.


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