The current season can contribute to reduced road visibility. Pedestrians should not forget reflective vests and traffic rules. The police offer some advice that can help increase their security.
Use reflective materials
“Pedestrians can increase their visibility on the road, for example, by using reflective elements with reflective tape that, in low visibility, reflect the incident light up to 200 meters,” said Bratislava regional police spokeswoman Lucia Mihalikova.
Use the pedestrian crossing
Pedestrians should use a passage, overpass or underpass to cross the road. Police should only enter the road after checking the road and making sure that no vehicle is approaching from either side. They can also increase safety by avoiding parked cars that make it impossible for other drivers to see.
Do not switch to red
Police also warn pedestrians to observe pedestrian traffic lights. Mihalíková points out that they should always use a pedestrian crossing and always walk in the shortest direction, ie perpendicular.
The police also urge drivers of motor vehicles to be more cautious. It is important, in her view, to be forward-looking and prudent. They should adopt the driving to “the condition and nature of the road, weather conditions and their abilities”. The spokeswoman explained that drivers can prevent events that have tragic consequences by paying more attention and respect to other traffic participants.