Dedicated to the prevention of road accidents, this “costume” has become a symbol of revolt in neighboring France. But is wearing the yellow vest with reflective material mandatory in Switzerland in case of breakdown or accident? What is the essential equipment for a motorist in Switzerland? What about other European countries?
Gilles Graf, Association of driving schools: “No, in Switzerland, it is not mandatory to have one available in his motor vehicle. But, of course, it is advisable in case of accident or breakdown. The only mandatory equipment is the fault triangle. Except for the professional transport (bus or heavyweight), for which it is also necessary to have a first aid kit and a fire extinguisher”, summarizes Gilles Graf, the driving instructor.
However, in France, as in Belgium, Italy or Austria, the driver must have a safety vest with reflective tape at hand.
Depending on the country, other accessories are part of the mandatory equipment in addition to the safety vest.
For our neighbors from across Jura, it is, for example, also mandatory to have a breathalyzer. To one degree: drivers must continue to have a breathalyzer in their vehicle, but in their absence, they will not be sanctioned.
In terms of equipment, safety specialists are calling for harmonization at the European level.