Wear reflective vest to travel safely


In connection with the upcoming long weekend in May, the Police Headquarters in Katowice together with the Municipal Office in Katowice organized an action called “Safe cycling in Katowice”.

High temperatures and beautiful sunny weather have caused many of us to leave our cars in garages and change into bicycles. For the sake of cyclists’ safety, policemen and the head of Katowice road club wore the reflective fabrics together, with the Municipal Office organized the campaign “Safe cycling in Katowice”.

On Friday (27 April), the policemen from the Katowice road route appeared on the streets of Katowice. The cyclists putted on the reflective vests, and the kids additionally shone their wristbands.

The aim of the activities is to improve safety on the roads of unprotected road users by increasing their visibility. The vest’s founder was the Municipal Office in Katowice. The reflective vests were presented by the head of the Road Traffic Department.

The drivers of the two-wheedles did not hide their satisfaction, confirming the usefulness of such actions for security.

Pedestrians and cyclists are called unprotected participants of the movement. They are called so because during an accident they cannot count on protection for security systems, which are located e in the car (belts, airbags, or even the body itself). As a consequence, it also means that accidents involving pedestrians and cyclists usually end tragically. They have little chance of dealing with cars. Unfortunately, it often happens that they do not care about their own safety, but rather are the perpetrators of accidents.

A vest with reflective tape significantly increase visibility, and thus our safety on the road. It should be remembered, however, that the reflective vest does not release from the obligation to proper lighting and bicycle equipment. The long May weekend favors the organization of family cycling trips, so it is worth taking care of safe travel.

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