Students will protest the delay of the works with helmets and vests

Students with helmets and vests

Education ensures that the three classrooms necessary to continue schooling during the course will be ready. The parents of students of the ‘Constitution of 1812’ school will begin the school year on September 8 carrying their children in helmets and reflective vests as a protest for the delay in the expansion of the center, as reported by the president of the AMPA, David.


For its part, the Ministry of Education has indicated that the three classrooms and sports courts that are required to continue schooling. In the center, for the next year will be ready in September and that it was agreed with the school to carry out the rest of the extension works for future courses, which will end in the coming months. In addition, he emphasizes that these works will be carried out so that they have the least possible impact during the rest of the course, they have indicated to Europe Press sources of the department directed by Rafael.


“We will take our sons and daughters to school as the situation deserves with the works we are undergoing: with a helmet and with a reflective safety vest“, they pointed out from the AMPA, which has indicated that the state of the three new classrooms is particularly pressing. The reason for this protest is that the course will begin with works and with the “serious damage” that this will entail for the students and the teaching staff. The AMPA has registered a letter of “formal protest” before the Territorial Directorate of the Madrid South Area of ​​the Ministry of Education of the Community of Madrid to denounce the “unfortunate situation in which we meet again.”



The letter has been given to PSOE, IU, ULEG, the Federation of Associations of Neighbors of Leganes and Associations of Neighbors, as well as representatives of the FAPA Francisco, the Student Union and to the Commission of Education of Leganes. The directive of the AMPA has indicated that the works “are not going to be finished in term,” especially in the area of ​​children from 3 to 10 years. The center is at 100 percent of its capacity (“there is not a single free classroom”), so, according to the AMPA, “the incorporation of new students, if the necessary expansion works are not done and are fully executed before of the beginning of the next school year, it is impossible.”


Last July, the mayor of Leganes, the socialist Santiago Lorene, warned that some 300 schoolchildren could start the course in prefabricated classrooms or moving to another center because the construction of the new classroom will not finish the works on time. On the other hand, the Ministry of Education has explained that during the past year the center was presented with two options. The first was to undertake the works to expand three classrooms plus the center, which are needed to give continuity to schooling, and a second that was to undertake at one time the total extension required by the center for future exercises (until to the nine classrooms).


As detailed in the Ministry, it was agreed with the center to carry out the second option and, therefore, by September will be ready the three necessary classrooms and sports courts coinciding with the start of the course. In addition, work will continue to build the remaining classrooms and complementary rooms on the second floor of the new building, some work that are scheduled to end in coming months. These works, according to Education, will be planned so that they have the least possible influence during the development of the school year and the safety conditions for students and staff of the center in reflective clothing will be guaranteed.

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