Should you always report your vehicle stopped by the safety triangle? It is not an obligation. Since 2008, all vehicles traveling on French territory must have at least one yellow reflective vest and a pre-signaling triangle. Ignoring this equipment can be expensive: € 135 fine, according to article R416-19 of the Highway Code.
When to use his triangle
Should you always pull out your safety triangle when you are out of order? According to the Highway Code (article R416-19), when a vehicle immobilized on the roadway constitutes a danger to traffic the driver must ensure the advance warning of the obstacle by making use of its lights distress AND a pre-signaling triangle.
The obligation to set up the triangle does not apply when this action constitutes an obvious danger to the driver’s life (order of 30 September 2008). Vehicles on the emergency stop lane that do not encroach on the roadway are not subject to this requirement, either. The pre-signaling triangle must be placed on the roadway at a distance of about 30 meters, or beyond if necessary, so that drivers coming on the same road can see it. By the way, on highway, do not forget to put away behind the guardrail.
The mandatory security kit in Europe too
If you travel abroad, note that in some European countries the set of accessories of the mandatory safety kit is not the same. For example, in our Spanish neighbors, each car must have 1 retro-reflective vest and 2 pre-signaling triangles. Conversely, in Austria, drivers must have 2 safety vests and 1 triangle.