We advise you how to light up for a run in the dark

Seeing and being seen are the two most important principles of nighttime running. Over the winter, runners also pull down from the woods to cycle paths, so they have to count on other runners than the deer and hare. We looked at how to ride in the darkness. We have a choice of a variety of options about safety equipments to increase visibility and security. Let us take the different options with all their advantages and disadvantages.


Reflective elements

Reflective elements visible from all directions are the ultimate ground for anyone who comes into operation after dark. Even in the case of pure cross-country brands, there are special series of models featuring an extremely high number of reflective surfaces. If you do not have reflective overlays in your wardrobe, you do not have to feel sorry. Flexible reflective tape can be bought literally for a few crowns and the problem of visibility is very easy to solve. If you want to solve the presence of reflective surfaces in a more elegant way, there are also self-adhesive or iron-on reflective stripes that can easily enhance any piece of sportswear.


However, if you run into unlit places when running, you will need something better. Headlamps are the best friend of night mileage. Not only will you see them under your feet and on an uneven surface, but you also want to know all runners and cyclists in the opposite direction. The basic parameter for selecting the headlamp is its performance. The cheapest lights are light and relatively weak with a power of around one hundred lumens. You are best suited for running on the road and smooth cycle paths, where you will only have a weak cone of light and more than exploring the terrain it is important for you to draw attention to your presence around.


We select the headlamp; the lumens play the role, the control and the power. If you run regularly on broken streets or paved field and forest roads, look for stronger headlamps with a power of two to four hundred lumens. They will be strong enough to illuminate comfortably the terrain a few meters in front of you, allowing you to run even on an uneven surface without the risk of a sprained ankle, like you wear the reflective vest and other people can see you from a distance. For lovers of heavy terrain, there are the most powerful (and most expensive) headlamps with a power of five hundred to a thousand lumens. Do not forget to diminish the light cone on the busy roads.

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