Save life: Reflective vest are mandatory

Because the reflective vest had sense and could really protect you on the road, it must be of good quality, pass the research procedures. How to check if this is the right one?


It is almost a truism, but the reflective element really protects the life of a pedestrian. How many times drivers have to brake rapidly, not only outside the city, because suddenly a dark silhouette grows up in front of the car’s mask, which was not seen a few meters before. Sometimes, unfortunately, the collision cannot be avoided … That’s why the police have been appealing to the so-called unprotected road users to wear reflections that make a person on the roadside visible from a distance of 150 m, which gives time for a non-responsive reaction.


At the end of August 2015, appeals for reason took on a formal dimension. All persons (until then, only children under 15) are obliged to move around in the unoccupied area after dusk with visible reflective elements. The Road Traffic Act allows exceptions only when someone goes on the sidewalk. It is a group of personal protective equipment – specifies Tomasz, director of the Trade Inspection. That is why we conduct inspections of what is sold every year, especially in the third quarter, because then dusk falls faster.


This applies to both types of hangers, self-tightening bands or even vests. Yes, they reflect the car’s lights, but we have no certainty that they are sufficiently saturated with a fluorescent substance or that they will be permanent. In short, we can spend money on a sell that will not save us from misfortune. The right reflector should have the CE stamp. In addition, not a bad stamp, which will soon wipe, but permanently put in place? Now, more and more often, good quality products have this mark embossed from the bottom.


We can testify to such an event that we do not pay attention to such things. Some time ago, the police handed out reflective bands, which did not meet the standards at all and CE mark did not have. We eliminate inappropriate products from the market – says the head of the Trade Inspectorate. – And the controls have an effect, because there are fewer sells in the stores, the right goods are introduced.


From 20 to 100 PLN. Cyclists do not have to have them; however, the bike must be equipped with front and reflective lights, red, at the rear. However, the more reflective elements, the more pedestrians and cyclists are better visible to drivers. That is why we always advise parents and children to wear them also in the city. I even suggest that on a dark road, on some roadside, you can also illuminate your Smartphone with a light. Often we also appeal to seniors: wear reflections. You will be better seen at pedestrian crossings, and it is known that many older people are no longer as fit to quickly get away from the car.


The police officer strongly recommends that parents, when buying school supplies or children’s clothing, pay attention to whether the reflective strips are sewn into backpacks, trousers or jackets. After dark, in such a clothing it looks a bit like an alien, but cars driving from a distance can see silhouettes and slow down. The police also hint: “Retro-reflective items may be items attached to clothing, headbands, vests and leashes. It is important to place them: they should be at the level of knees, hands, around the center of the chest and back.” Soon the night will be longer than the day. It is time to prepare for it.

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