Free reflective tapes and vests for schools

Wearing reflective vest saves lives many times. Thanks to them, we are more visible. Schools can apply for such gadgets – they will get them free of charge.


In September, the campaign “Be visible – be safe” was organized. Thanks to her, the students were given reflections that would ensure their safety when at dusk they would, for example, return home. The initiative was very popular, so its organizers – Metal Fetch and Sargodha decided to organize it again. This problem is especially faced by students from rural areas who return from school after dark. We are aware that they are particularly exposed to danger on the road, which is why our campaign “Be visible – be safe” is dedicated to them – says Paula, the owner of the Fabric Metal Factory.


According to research and police statistics – autumn and winter is a particularly dangerous time on the roads. It turns out that if they had reflections – some of them could be avoided. Drivers from a distance would see moving pedestrians.

– It is worth reminding that when we walk down the street without any reflective elements in the evening, we are for drivers … actually invisible. They are able to see us only from a distance of about 20-30 meters, and this is definitely too short a distance for the right response. The reflective vest, on the other hand, can make us walk well ahead of time – even from a distance of 150 meters – add Pieter, the store manager.


The action is addressed to all kindergartens and primary schools from our region that did not take part in the first edition. Each institution can get 25 free reflective safety vests.

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