Reflecting mandatory for everyone

The obligation to wear reflective vest not only for children, but all pedestrians moving along the road at dusk – is an idea to improve safety on Polish roads. At present, reflective elements must only be used by children up to 15 years of age who are traveling on the road, at dusk, outside the built-up area.


This obligation does not apply to the elderly. However, anyone who has ever ridden a scooter on an unlit road knows that adults – especially dressed in black – are also invisible. From the darkness they emerge literally at the last moment – when it is too late to react.


A person wearing a reflective item such as a band or waistcoat is visible from a distance of 150m!

The Democratic Left Alliance’s parliamentary project assumes that every pedestrian on the way at dusk outside the built-up area will be required to use reflective elements. Exceptions to this rule will be to move on a pedestrian only or on the sidewalk and in the area of ​​residence.

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