Cyclists need lighting, some pedestrians are again patient

Not only will you save for fines, but maybe you will survive.

Even these days, cyclists are on their way along the roads, and they do not have the proper illumination of their bikes, even not wear a safety vest.

The patrol of the regional transport co-operative of the Pardubice police focused on the lighting of cyclists for a while at the Won Bridge in Pardubice.

The results were not explicitly bad, but shortcomings were found almost always.

While the duty to shine, cyclists are aware of the fact that the equipment of their bicycles tends to be lagging behind the rules. In particular, it was a reflection – front, rear and orange in the wheel string were often missing and some of the cyclists did not even know they had to be there.

In addition, police officers stopped a woman who did not have a single reflector on the bike, not to mention the lights. One of the scars, which is also visible after Pardubice, are cyclists who hold one hand at the same time with the handlebars and at the same time a flashlight – mostly low intensity. Even for that, a fine can be imposed. The headlamps are not even used according to the Decree. But most police officers still tolerate them.

The more, the better

“In terms of reduced visibility, these reflective elements are important for the safety of both the cyclist himself and other road users. It does not have to stay with the mandatory equipment. Very good visibility has been found, for example, by the reflective material sticks that can be attached to the wires in the wheel strand, “the traffic police said.

Police patrols some of the bikers for misdemeanors not only made fines, but also practical things – reflective tapes, pendants and reflective vests.

Winter rubbers are

“As for motor vehicles, on the contrary, we have to say that they are well prepared for the winter. It is very difficult to find a vehicle that is not equipped with winter tires. In this respect, we are happy with the situation, “said Patel Martine, member of the patrol.

Drivers were not the only ones who unnecessarily pulled out of their purses money they might have just saved on Christmas presents.

Pedestrians also deserved police attention.

Not only cyclists are angry

“Five people at the AFI Palace in Pardubice did not wait for the green. To their misfortune, their actions did not escape the eyes of traffic policemen, and all went with a block penalty of 100 crowns, “said Pardubice police spokeswoman Eva in reflective jacket, adding:” Everyone who enters the road needs to know very well that on slippery roads The pedestrian crossing is not lifted by anyone, and the pedestrians who run under the wheels of the car make unfortunate not only a driver who cannot stop safely. “

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