Construction pit at the corner of the Meeting and merry street in Brno reverberated tones Beatty Step Yaroslavl Jerk. At the point where it will become Janacek Cultural Center, Brno Philharmonic filmed a spot for the launch of its 62nd season. Workers in safety vest – Philharmonic played the middle of the building under the direction of Igor. Piano virtuoso introduced for the first time as a soloist next season.
At first glance it might seem that makes music laborers. Helmets and reflective vests, however, masked musicians from Brno Philharmonic who filmed the spot to support the concert hall. “Beatty step we have chosen because it is the dominant piano there and we wanted to involve the season soloist, pianist Igor,” said PR manager of the project for the Hall of Brno Katarina Konini. The second reason for choosing the song is free on bond Brno. Hedgehog was inspired by the Beatty car in which he won the French race car driver Louis Chiron race at the Brno circuit.
It was an experience for the audience and musicians
“Igor piano is definitely the biggest personality to emerge from this city. It is a world-renowned pianist and celebrating its round anniversary, “said the director of the Brno Philharmonic Marie in reflective vest.
At the bottom of the pit, where builders are still building underground garages, Crane first started piano. Ezek track to finish was involved thirty musicians from above, watching dozens of onlookers. It was an experience for both the audience and the orchestra. “The orchestra played in places where he certainly never plays while it’s an invitation to the new season,” said Marie.
The town is still awaiting money to finish the hall
Brno City Hall expected the government to the end of May finally decide on the monetary support of the new concert hall. Yet it did not happen, the wait continues. If the state does not provide money, the city also is considering a loan.
Under the agreement, memorandum to happen to spend six hundred million crowns, the total cost of more than one billion two hundred thousand crowns calls Brno with the assistance of the region. The town also continues to search for a design team and workers in safety clothing including above-ground portion of the building of the hall and its acoustics.