If you are planning to travel by car, let’s check its technical condition, setting lights and equipment. A fire extinguisher and a warning triangle with homologation should be in place, but it is also worth taking care of other items such as the first aid kit or the reflective vest.
We remind you that at any time we can check the state of sobriety in each Police unit. Due to the increased traffic on the roads, it is worth preparing in advance and thinking about alternative roads. Thanks to that, in the event of road blinds caused by construction or a road event, they will be able to go the other way.
In the long journey it is worth to go rested, preferably after a 7-8 hour sleep. By analyzing the time we want to overcome the planned distance, we should anticipate breaks that will allow us to overcome fatigue and rest from sitting position. Let’s also take a time correction for possible traffic jams and other traffic incidents to arrive on time without speeding up but with safety vest. Under no circumstances do we get into the car after drinking alcohol. If we are not sure about our state of sobriety, we can easily check it in every Police unit.
Before leaving we also think about the proper protection of the apartment or home. Let’s see if all doors and windows (including basements and roofs) are closed. Also remember to secure your garage and business premises and turn off the water and gas valves. Let’s see if cash and jewelry on our trip will not be safer in your bank account or in your bank account than at home.
We ask the trusted person to take care of our apartment in the absence of us, leaving us with a phone number where she will be able to contact us at any time. In the long absence, it is important to ensure that our mailbox does not accumulate more correspondence, which is a sign that the apartment or house is empty for potential thieves. A good solution is time programmers, which at various times of day in the apartment lights up, which creates the appearance of the presence of family members.
During outdoor meetings, remember that under Polish law, in public places such as streets, squares and parks, alcohol is prohibited unless there are places designated for its consumption, such as restaurants. In addition, each council of the municipality has the possibility of banning the consumption of alcohol other places in their area.
When resting on the water we should be very careful, also when fishing to avoid an unscheduled bath, which can be very dangerous at the current water temperature. Let’s pay special attention to the children playing on the shore. Take a boat, kayak, water bike or sailboat. Let’s check their technical condition, make sure that the equipment is life-saving equipment such as lifebuoy and life reflective jackets. Before leaving, let’s let them know about the expected time of return.