Six police patrols joined on 20 January to regional transport events focused mainly on the visibility of the vehicle crew. For police officers stopped cars controlled primarily technical condition and mandatory equipment, which includes a warning triangle, reflective vest, spare electrical fuses, spare bulbs, jack, wheel spanner and spare wheel or tire repair kit and first aid kit appropriate legal standards.
The aim was also to inform drivers about the requirement to wear a reflective safety vest, which is part of the compulsory equipment. If a motorist in solving technical malfunction or traffic accident the car will perform, he must wear it, why should he have at hand and not in the trunk. During an appearance they would have wore the vest and other reflective equipment. Controlled chauffeurs patrol passed reflective vest, which was intended precisely passengers.
Officers stopped within three hours of a total of 132 drivers, 30 of them have committed an offense, for example. Ten of them had turned on the security belt, eight vehicles had satisfactory condition and two motorists drove without a license and not reflective material vest and triangle in the car. Another traffic control related to the visibility of road users will take place in the coming months.