This morning, the youngest students wear safety vest from Public Primary School in California participated in the national campaign “Safe Way to School”, implemented jointly by the supermarket chain PSB-ant, police and schools. Correct and safe crossing the road the children learned ‘in the field’, on one of crossings.
Nationwide campaign “Safe Way to School” aims to familiarize preschoolers and first graders with the basic principles of safe behavior on the street, especially when crossing the street. As part of its implementation, officers from the District Police Headquarters in California talked today with children from zero branch Public Primary School on the basic principles of road safety, with particular emphasis on the correct cross the road at a pedestrian crossing. Remember to wear reflective vest as pedestrians when you move outside to the built-up area after dark, and encourage children to use reflective product also in urban areas. After the theoretical part it’s time to check knowledge in practice, so the children coped brilliantly.
Before the training the Lord gave the children ant reflective key chains to backpacks, special armbands and vests. – We give the children reflective materials to make them visible to drivers and felt safe on the way to and from school. We will be done jointly with the police and schools campaign “Safe Way to School” in California periodically, at the beginning of each school year – announced Elba with PSB-ant in California.