The move to winter time was done in the night from Saturday to Sunday. The forces of order call pedestrians wear safety vest including the caution.
Good news, tonight we had the right to one hour of sleep and more! With the transition to winter time, at 3 am, it was actually 2 hours. You probably thought adjust your watches and alarm clocks. But have you thought that the day rising later and arriving the night before, we must also make arrangements in terms of safety, especially when moving on foot or by bike.
For in the days following the time change, the police registered a “peak accident rate”, said the prefect Yves Le Breton, during an operation of roadside checks conducted Friday. “Between 17 h and 19 h after the time change, the number of pedestrian accidents increased by 40%” , says one side of the gendarmerie, which encourages everyone to “redouble attention: prefer clear or reflective strips bound clothing ” . “On the occasion of the transition to winter time and when the weather began to deteriorate, the National Police reminded road users the risks of failure or lack of visibility of their equipment and vision ” , said the Commissioner Guy Milin, departmental director of road safety.
For if pedestrians should be especially careful, other road users are also called for vigilance. Bicycle users must ensure that the required equipment on their motorbikes working: yellow or white front light and a red rear light; reflectors (retro-reflectors) red on the back, white front, orange on the sides and on the pedals. Wearing a certified retro reflective vest is mandatory for any rider (and passenger) flowing out of towns at night or when visibility is poor. But the yellow jacket is also recommended for those traveling to the city. And motorists should also be cautious to avoid accidents with vulnerable road users.