Police: In the safety clothes comes in the dark

Autumn also means that it is light and dark earlier later. Thus the risk of accidents increases – especially when clothing is worn without the reflective tape.


Police Commissioner Marco visited the first graders of Hainbund School for a lesson and talked to them about the right clothes in the autumn and winter seasons. For six schools and 20 official contacts Marco has jurisdiction of the police station. This fall he has “but surely but reflection” developed the program with which he the differences of different clothing styles illustrates the doll “Paul and Pauline”. Paul wearing dark supposedly “cool” clothes, Pauline a fire service uniform with several reflectors. Then Marco gives the signal for “lights and flashlights.” “Pauline so you can see better in the dark”, resound shouts out of the classroom. Nevertheless, this morning none of the children has come to one of them for the start of school donated safety vests.


Not only the clothing is crucial, but also the facilities with reflectors of school bags, hats, scarves and shoes. So must be equipped with reflectors with a satchel according to the standard 20 percent of the front of the satchel. “However, the sides and the carrier must have reflectors to best as here reflective Chains” Marco said at Sarah exemplary equipped satchel. The astonishment was great, much better noticed as doll clothes, touched up by the children with vest, hat and the second light test in the classroom: “Now Paul is even better to see, as Pauline!”


The teacher has already accompanied the school-training and driving by police Marco: “I very much hope that the training will help somewhat. It is often not only the children who need the training, but also the parents, this one has seen today again that none of the twenty children wore his jacket on the way to school. ”


Practical gift

Before police commissioner Marco was allowed to go back, the girls and boys peppered him with questions about police life and the site density in the city. Finally, there was also a practical gift: Clicking Bands of retro-reflective material, which can be wrapped around the arm and leg. “If the kid’s parents tell at home that they would like a jacket with reflectors, we have gained a lot,” Marco said.


Background: Hundreds pedestrians die each year

Die every year hundreds of pedestrians in Germany. The children are particularly at particular risk due to their size.

“A person with dark clothing sees other only from a distance of 25 meters. When a person in bright clothing there are already fifty yards, you wear reflectors however it 140 yards and a motorist has thus to brake a much higher chance “explained Contact officer Marco the graders.

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