Traffic vests distributed this year 2,000 pedestrians by the rise in abuses

safety vest

The DGT campaign and awareness Junta includes talks aimed at older people in the conceals with more black spots for pedestrians

Person over 65 years old, dressed in dark clothes walking near his house verges secondary roads, without reflective safety vest and cross outside the pedestrian crossings. It is the most common profile of those killed by outrages in Galicia, one of the scourges of the accident in which the Directorate General of Traffic (DGT) focuses its awareness campaigns. In so far this year, five pedestrians were killed in the hit by a vehicle community, resulting in only two months 35% of the 14 fatalities around 2015. None wore vest, so from traffic have decided to strengthen awareness of passersby on the importance of become visible to drivers with a joint campaign with the regional government that includes the distribution of this year 2,000 -400 reflective clothing before Holy Week and talks in municipalities, especially those concentrated blackest outrages points. It will be an information campaign that will not be fined, although in cases of repeat offenders “have to take other measures,” according to yesterday warned the government delegate in Galicia, Santiago Villanueva.

Traffic designed just last year a risk map of outrages which contained 50 municipalities. Explained yesterday Lieutenant Colonel of the Association of the Civil Guard Traffic in Galicia, Javier Milano, actions in the most troubled nuclei strengthening monitoring or improving infrastructure explain that in the current map only repeat five municipalities -Toe, Ribera, Lugo, Orense and Monteverdi- although the total round again half hundred analyzing the 170 major and minor outrages of 2015.

The dispersion in Galicia, the aging population and the complex network, with 17,000 kilometers of road network and 55,000 main intercity, and local area, according to Villanueva, the causes that explain the high levels of abuse in the community although -matzo – 14 pedestrians killed in 2015 are three less than the previous year and 72% below the 50 recorded in 2005.

Milano indicates that these “singularities” place each year to Galicia five points above the national average as dead by outrages are concerned. Therefore, stresses the need to emphasize to users that use these elements also day-and not only from the evening when it is mandatory for the loss of visibility- to avoid any failure that may have the driver.

In talk’s educators, agents seniors remember the importance of always carrying reflective vest and walk to the left and in case there is always circular sidewalk for her. This group is the most vulnerable to abuses by having less mobility and less vision to react to calculate the distance of the vehicle. In addition to talks aimed at this group, for Lieutenant Colonel Milano it is “fundamental” that the environment of older people remind them how to walk and cross the road. In the same vein, the head of Traffic in A Corunna and head of the DGT in Galicia, Victoria Gomez Debarred, who believes ruled that “family support” helps overcome the “rejection” of the greatest to vest as “a striking garment “but that may be your” lifeline “.

The Department of Environment will vests 2,000 campaign available to agents, including an action plan on road safety 2016-2020 Junta condition which also provides 170 kilometers of footpaths. The Regional Minister Ethel Vazquez insisted that nothing can replace “stealth” of pedestrians and drivers. In the case of the latter, lower speed at 50 km / h where there are houses and people passing halved the number of pedestrians killed.

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