Know the rules prevailing in other countries

reflective vest

Before going abroad want to know what in which country we can and what they require from us. To avoid unpleasant surprises, the trip can start from … website of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, to a well-prepared, we will take our safety vest and be able to enjoy a quiet rest.

Albania can use the Polish or international driving license. We must have liability insurance It is not recommended to move on the roads after dark, because of the careless attitude of local drivers to traffic rules. In Albania applies a rigorous code of transport, and consequently severe penalties for breaking it. Ban on alcohol consumption for people who want to drive your vehicle.

Andorra You can use the Polish law license. Warning! The police very strictly enforces traffic laws, for any offenses threaten high fines.

Belarus We do not need to have an international driving license. There are very meticulous checks militia: especially for the possession of the driver of mandatory vehicle equipment: first aid kit, warning triangle, spare wheel; an important review of the technical and insurance (ie. green card) and a correspondingly equipped aid kit. There are frequent radar speed checks. Penalties for offenses are strict. To use the network of toll roads, the car should be equipped with an electronic measuring device, which can be rented for bail, under contract, in one of the 49 customer service points are deployed at the entrances and departures of toll roads and between them. Measuring devices for cars and trucks will be different. Bosnia and Herzegovina International driving license is not required. Police rigorously enforces traffic laws. The roads are narrow, but generally of good quality and labeled. The country has a mountainous character, so you should adjust speed to the existing conditions. In the case of stops, do not come to an unspecified area, because of the possibility of encountering minutes that remained after the war. Mandatory car safety equipment: safety belts, warning triangle with reflective tape, first aid kit, fire extinguisher, tow rope, a set of spare bulbs. Montenegro applies “Green Card”, which can be issued by the Polish insurance. Polish driving license is respected. Due to the mountainous terrain, not the best road infrastructure and bravado drivers, special caution is recommended. There are no toll roads. For violation of traffic rules apply heavy penalties. Equipment cars: compulsory seat belts, warning triangle, first aid kit, spare bulbs.

Denmark to drive just a Polish drivers license plates with the registration number and a sign of the country of origin (Polish car number plates can move around during the stay of a tourist, or up to 3 months). In other cases, the car registration should be done within 14 days from the date of first entry. Both the driver and passengers to buckle belts, and children must travel in a child seat. Parking usually requires the placement of the clock parking behind the glass, which can be purchased at petrol stations. Crossing traffic laws is subject to high penalties. It is mandatory to use dipped headlights all year round. Permitted blood alcohol concentration is 0.5 parts per thousand. When exceeding 1.2 per mile of the Danish police immediately receives license. Cyclists have absolute priority traffic. Estonia Recognized a Polish driving license. Drivers who enter Estonia does not belong to them, the vehicle must have a power of attorney of the owner of the vehicle. With Polish license plates can ride in Estonia for one year. Drivers are prohibited from driving while driving phone calls, if cars are not equipped with hands-free kits. There is an obligation to wear a seat belt. Children under the age of three must be transported in a child seat. Children under 12 can travel in the front passenger seat also in a child seat. Speeding is punishable by high fines, stop driving or stopping over to the court. Particularly severely punished is driving after drinking alcohol. In Estonia, it is strictly forbidden to drive after drinking alcohol. In the period from 1 May to 30 September warrant valid driving on summer tires, while in the period from December 1 to March 1 order winter tires. In Estonia still permissible is driving the tires with spikes metal. During the transitional periods from October 1 to November 30 and from March 1 to April 30, you can carry cars on summer and winter tires. After dark, pedestrians on rural roads are obliged to move with the light reflective vest. Anyone planning to cross the border Estonian-Russian has to register in the electronic system of border crossing.

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