What cable must first disconnect the battery to work with it or change it? The negative or ground wire (black) as well we avoid causing short circuits across the battery. To install the new one operates in reverse (first positive or insulated wire is connected, then the negative).
What is the minimum depth of the tread must have tires? 1.6 mm (can be measured with a 100 peso coin, which must be at least three quarters embedded in the band).
What is understeer? And oversteer? Understeer is when the car driver without safety vest skids the front. Oversteer is skidding rear axle.
In what sense I must turn the steering wheel in a understeer? And in a oversteer? In an understeer, contragirar the steering wheel in the opposite direction to which it skids. In an oversteer, contragirar the steering wheel to the same place of the skid until you regain control. In both cases do not apply the brake or the clutch and decelerate gradually and smoothly.
How often is advisable to rest on a long trip? Every two hours minimum.
How far have put the “warning triangles”? The hazard warning triangles must be at least 50 meters and be visible from 100 m. In two-way roads will one ahead of the crashed vehicle, and another behind. In carriageways one direction or more than three lanes, only one behind.
When should I wear the reflective vest? Always before leaving the vehicle, ie inside the same.
How often is desirable to change the shock absorbers? Approximately every 80,000 kms.
How should I start in case of snow, ice or slippery floor? In the second non-skidding
How do I overcome a speed bump with water? A slow and without reducing speed change not suck water.
What should I do if air enters the brake circuit or too spongy suddenly noticed? Depress several times to pump.
What to do in slopes down to use engine braking? Change to a lower gear. (Not recommended for diesel vehicles)
What I have to do when you leave the vehicle to eliminate static electricity? Put both feet on the ground and in any case not touch the body.
How do you take a flyer? With hands forming a position of a quarter to three (as if it were a clock, with each hand picking on each side).
How do I start an engine with a dead battery? To start an engine with a battery that has been discharged can use the charged battery from another vehicle. This procedure is called “bridge”.
What is hydroplaning? The aquaplaning occurs because more water under the wheels of the tires are able to evacuate, then producing a “sliding” accumulates thereof. It can occur in situations of intense rain, puddles, by irregularities in the road, mud, etc.
How do I act before a aquaplaning? Once that occurs, the aquaplaning is very difficult to control. We must prevent moderate speed to allow time for the tires to leave the water.
How should I act before the blowout of a wheel? firmly grasping the steering wheel, try not to use holding brake but the car in reflective tape with the engine brake.
How often you should review or change the timing belt? It depends on each manufacturer. The toothed belt (timing belt) from 70,000 to 100,000 km can last, depending also on the type of driving. The chain can last more than 200,000 km (depending on the manufacturing, disposal of their skates, etc.), while the gears can last virtually the life of the vehicle.
How do I prevent freezing of a battery? Keeping it fully charged.
What is symptom white exhaust smoke? A refrigerant leak combustion chambers, or waste fuels burned in the catalyst water.
What kind of antifreeze require engines with blocks or aluminum cylinder heads? High silicate antifreeze to protect aluminum.
How cars are classified according to their wheel-drive? They are classified into RWD (rear wheel drive), FWD (front wheel drive), 4WD (all-wheel drive) or AWD (all wheel drive). The latter two are also known as “full or integral”.
How often is desirable to purge and clean the water cooling system or cooling? In the absence of other manufacturer’s recommendation, it must drain and clean the system every 50,000 km or 24 months in order to remove contaminants and acids, in addition to airborne particles that can damage the engine and its systems step.
What are the risks run a loose drive belt accessories, and how to detect it? The detection is easy: a characteristic noise “squeal”, mainly at startup or when the engine load occurs. A drive belt slipping overheats the engine and can cause the battery to be freely downloaded. The straps need to be revised, unless the manufacturer says otherwise, at least once a year.