Babenhausen – The tension was great, on the stage of City Hall the graduates of Bachgauschule should receive their Abitur. 104 graduates in reflective vest were in this year, they came tutoriumsweise by their subjects to large audiences on. By Ulrike Bernauer
Before Friday night 104 high school students of Bachgauschule received their university entrance qualification, there was some talk in the town hall to hear and perceive a photo opportunity. The young graduates to the numerous photographers and mobile users easily on the stairs on the side of City Hall. The sheltered time had come to an end, so the deputy headmaster Bernd Stefan shaker. Headmistress Anja Krapp described the graduates flock as “a generation of opportunities”. 17 000 study opportunities opened many ways made the decision about which study is chosen, but also difficult. In the age of the Internet there are many sources of information, “but if all else fails, then real people asking,” advised shaker. As “exorbitant class” he described the vintage, which now leaves school, not only in school but also outside school. The good news for the graduates there were at the end of the speech, all students passed their Abitur.
During the evening, the tutorials presented once before in a self-made video, most took not only their teachers, but also themselves. For a ride As high school seniors were seen at Bobbycar- and Tretrollerrennen, others kidnapped her teacher and had the great disappointment find that no one wanted to pay the ransom of a cake. “What, they do not want him back?” A student wondered. Others had it with the werewolf and the audience could experience how the half tutorial was killed by him.
A through ball which then in this form none of the other teachers could try to improve more, put mathematics tutor Matthias Braun before. It was inspired by the poetry slam and showed that he also has a large dose of talent for this art form. His Poetry salad from the Mathematics Books, in which he sang the praises of the line and finally mathematics called “Wellness pur”, received much applause and laughter.
Some teachers came to say goodbye to their students not so easy to emotion was spreading also in the students. As “Papabär” the French tutor Joachim Reiter was designated, and the biology tutor Gabriele Gottschalk was like a mom for her students. “We went to the zoo and if we were evil, they scolded us”, characterized a student a partial aspect of the student-teacher ratio.
Furore made the teacher with the show “ace in the hole”. Kitted as construction worker with helmet and safety vest they came with brooms on the stage. Swept was then, however, the teacher proved rather than musical talent, a rousing rhythm they brought the reciprocal instruments concluded. A teacher was so engaged that the head with the bristles rather examined the size, than to be maltreat further.
After all certificates were issued, followed by a climax with Alanis cabbage mutton, Jana Shepherd Giese, Evita Rademacher, Lucia thrust ring, Simone Nickenig, Benjamin Sauer, Jonas Brenneis, Fridolin Mohrhardt, Luca Rehberg, Anna Kemp, Marie-Sophie Fehrensen, Tom Kolb , Marc Andrew and Sophie Mineif the award of the students who had laid the best written Abitur notes. Separately the three students were again presented, which had been among the best high school averages. Better than Pebble Lucia can a high school does not exist, it has the dream grade point average of 1.0. Manuel Müller reached 1.1 and Carlos Böhm 1.2.
Special awards in individual subjects there was also. Manuel Müller with reflective tape was honored by the German Mathematical Society by Price mathematics. Müller also received beside Benjamin Sauer an award in physics. Carlos Böhm had convinced with his performance in biology, as well as in geography, in which Philippe Czizewski received a prize. The first school sports Price of Landessportbundes went to Simon Brandt, and the price “Mint” took Manuel Müller in reception. The latter could end up almost tie a bouquet of roses, for any particular achievement given the award winners a red rose. The Forum Award for Outstanding Social Commitment went to Zina Hempel.