June 13, it seems Road Safety Act amendments has been adopted, which decided to adjust the requirements of cyclists to wear safety vest, provisions for additional training novice drivers for the right to drive motor vehicles, the prison and return.
Interestingly, the most active against these legislative amendments voted by all 87 MPs participated in the vote; speak Lithuanian Cyclists Community (BDT). Its members are the most dissatisfied with the provision of the law for Article 17, paragraph 2 amendment that purportedly aim for becoming mandatory for cyclists riding with headlights switched on lights or jackets during the day.
In his position, and LDB has 13 companies and organizations on behalf of the Community societies chairman Edward and set out a formal address to the Dalia. In a letter to the President to take all the powers conferred upon it by the Constitution, in order to take into account the views of interested citizens associations and a healthy mind. ”
According requirements daytime driving lights turn on or jackets – absurd, purportedly day light on the benefits unproven, even for cars that pass technical inspections, the light sources are certified and comply with the factory settings to prevent dazzling oncoming drivers and shine as a dependent .
“What can you expect from a 1W power-profit uncertified use of bicycles, it is a good chance that the battery will be discharged, the bulb is broken, and so on? In order not to become a criminal will have a vest? “- He wrote in a letter to the editor.
Chairman of LLE is concerned that such a law amendment significantly reduces people wanting to ride the bike number. According to him, the number of people killed in road accidents is negligible compared with lack of exercise-related problems: suicide, cardiovascular disease, obesity and so on.
“The Law will become just another formality which no one fails to respect as of now does not comply with the requirement for minors to ride with a helmet. With the same slogans, the need to protect riders “- says E.Kriščiūnas.
According to the representative of BDT, cyclists and keep their ranks should be increased not by law introducing more and more requirements, and adapting and developing appropriate infrastructure. Compulsory vests, reflective helmets and day light only discourage people from connecting the vehicle on the wheel, and send a clear signal – the bike ride is dangerous.
The President in a letter also alleged a violation of the public administration law, which states that the administrative decisions related to general legitimate public interest, has to consult with the public interest in particular field representative organizations, and cases provided by law – and with the population or groups.
E.Kriščiūnas notes that although consultations took place, but organizations representing the position were rejected without any evidence-based arguments.
One of the amendments to the initiator, MP Julius Sabataukas draft bill has been received yet from the last government, and made changes are very slight – if still with the light on and vest cyclists were required to ride at night, this is now one of these attributes will have to choose and day time.
“The main reasons for such changes – cyclists should be visible on the road. After all, the requirement to have those measures applies only to road users carriageways of roads. If a cyclist rides off-road, this requirement does not exist “, – stressed J.Sabatauskas.
MP wondered rising dissatisfaction of cyclists, although it is cared for their safety. According to him, the research surveyed drivers are not aware of cyclists said. J.Sabataukas noted that the forecasts that the amendments to the law under control requirements will be just as ineffective as still in force provisions under which the bike ride or transported minors are required to wear helmets, implementation, indicate a lack of awareness of the BDT.
Minister of Internal Affairs Consultant traffic safety issues Stasis Brenda about the conflict with the representatives of the circumstances of BDT said bluntly: “If they are satisfied with their lives, let them ride as they want and will go under the wheels. When someone strikes down a car, for some reason, everyone else thinks. And how many deaths to us, how many disasters … you look at the statistics.
Statistics in this case krupuk.
According S.Brundzos, BDT members of the fears themselves for such amendments to the law will stop people buying bicycles are economically unjustified. As noted businessman, paid for a new bike LTL 1,000 additional £ 10 lamp is low cost. In order to maximize the efficiency of the bulb should also act in a flashing mode.
“I myself was surprised that flashing LED lights are also easily visible and sunny day,” – commented motorists.
Initiators of amendments to the law stated that the previous version of the problem was that the claims were made for cyclists only at night. According to them, the lighting equipment nobody nenuiminėja after all, so a request to turn it in and day should not cause major problems.
J.Sabatauskas agreed on the need to improve the infrastructure for cyclists, separate paths but even two cyclists must be highly visible for car drivers. According to the politician, the same problem remains for hiking, with the vast majority of dying in the dark.
“I have to say that our people are still preparing too dark. Cyclist’s lack of awareness, according to S.Brundzos leads to psychological attitude that disaster can only happen to someone else.
LDB community criticism and the reflective vests for cyclists themselves more like a street sweeper. According J.Sabatausko such jackets feature is different from everyday clothes to formal events with them, also have not walked any.
Helmets with reflective tapes that adult bicyclists wear is recommended, eventually also become a mandatory attribute. J.Sabatauskas remembered that such a requirement a few years ago has already been discussed, but then did not received government approval.