Five tips for riding a bike around the city and return home healthy and safe.
From ARG News you are five surefire tips to get around everywhere on two wheels without any risk.
So from ARG News we list five tips to consider when getting on the bike and ride to our destination.
If you’re of those who prefer two wheels before four, you cannot miss these helpful tips to get safely home. I traverse the list.
1. Do not be invisible. Most accidents happen because motorists are unaware of the presence of cyclists on the street. Wearing reflective clothing and install reflective tape on your bike.
2. Plan your route before leaving. The shortest route is not always the safest. Give priority to bicycle paths and, if possible, avoid the main streets congested.
3. Learn to identify dangerous situations. The more transits the streets of the city by bike, easier going to realize when danger is near. Use all your senses and, when in doubt, area the brake.
4. Always wear a helmet with reflective stripes. Although the journey is short, you never know what can happen and helmet saves lives. In addition, there are some very cool models.
5. Check your bike may need adjustment. If you’re uncomfortable it is likely that your concentration is decreased. Fits well the height, chose the correct change and often confirms that the brakes are in good condition.