Stopping at the edge of the road

The stopping of the car at the end of the road for whatever reason and driver and passenger exits creates a very dangerous situation, both day and night in the dark or fog. Passing cars threaten our lives. By following some rules, we reduce the chances of a road accident.


  1. Always stop at a safe place to reduce the risk of other cars impacting. And if that is not possible, then we stop next to the barriers, with the wheels facing them.


  1. We must have the alarms and the driving lights on so that other drivers can see us in good time.


  1. We leave the car always from the right side in both darkness and mist.


  1. The safety triangle with reflectivematerialmust be placed with great care and at a sufficient distance from the car. In this process, we must be aware that we are in direct danger of drivers who do not see us in time.


  1. If there are animals, it is good to stay in the car. In any other case, they increase the many and unchecked risks.


  1. Passengers are at a distance from the road so that they are not in danger, but also have reasonable room for reaction. We pay close attention to children.


  1. Never stay near or inside the car. Even if the cold is dull, it is safer to stay out of it.


  1. If we are on a motorway it is good not to change rubber. We move slowly to a parking lot. If this is not the case, then it is best to call road assistance.


  1. The risk of a passing car falling on us is too great and similar accidents happen too often in our country.


  1. Reflectivevestand reflective clothing, which we can supply from free trade, maybe our best self-protection in such cases.

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