Life-saving color game of safety vest

Safety vest Competition from 5 to 9 November in Gelsenkirchen for a safe way to Kita or primary school. The three most prolific of the 39 primary schools are excellent and win prizes


See and be seen – what in the world of the rich and famous the status quo ensures is in everyday life of (pre-) school children the vital importance. Therefore, the order of partners call in Gelsenkirchen – that city, police, road safety organization and Bogotá – for safety vests Contest “from 5 to 9 November. Target: bring light and color to the game, saying to sensitize parents and teachers for it to send children to the dark season with reflective safety vest for Kita or primary school.

Prices for the Best proclaimed


The three schools with the highest safety vest Quote waving next to the title “Secure primary school ‘also more lucrative prizes. For incognito count the order partners next week at the 39 primary schools in the city, such as wearing many students for morning school start on their way vests and warning Throws with reflective material.


“Vests by reflective fabric can bad accidents prevent” explains Jorgen. The police officers are working for the department of accident prevention. At his side in the playful training of girls and boys is his colleague Kirsten John, and also Helmut Baker of the Road Patrol, because: “There is no better protection than in autumn and winter to be seen by motorists in time. Finally, it is but a small thing to put on the protective clothing. Parents and teachers should encourage children to protect themselves that way. ”


The eye-opening experience, what an immense difference it makes with safety yellow vest, experience yesterday 15 children of the urban kindergarten Vince road. “Look, I shine like a wave”, the small Rosina gets all excited, as a security consultant Johns in the training room of the police down leaves the blinds and a flashlight mimics a car.


More than 2,000 preschoolers shouldered the duo Johns and Ashen per year. For them there is a room available, the fear no comparison with a crèche must – then the child jitters before the uniformed quickly dissolves into laughter.


Anyone who as loyal caring mother or father now asks how one or woman comes close to the reflective vests, which must be said that this quite fashionable lifesavers are often free with the helpers of the Road Patrol or the ADAC ready. “We have ordered just 1000 litters,” says traffic guards Helmut Baker, “partly financed from the concert ‘Rock-minders Police garages’.”

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