Quickly the gathering dark, cloudy and rainy days, the driver’s circumstances are requiring special attention while driving. They must also reckon with the fact that their way may be found to be completely invisible pedestrian or cyclist. Those vulnerable road users in a collision with a car are very serious damage and seldom lose their lives.
We appeal to all people on bikes or on foot to make sure that would be visible on the road. Bikes should always be equipped with the required provisions of the lighting and pedestrian spaces have a reflective element in the undeveloped area after dark. Compliance with these simple rules will allow drivers to see vehicles early this very road, which probably help to avoid many tragedies.
During the autumn-winter season, especially in October, November, December, every year recorded an increase of traffic incidents involving pedestrian’s road users.
Statistics of traffic incidents in the last quarter of 2014, Działdowo County showed that in October, November and December there was a 15 traffic accidents and 133 collisions. In the event of the death suffered by one person, and 26 people were injured.
The 6 events (including 3 accidents and collisions 3) participants were pedestrians. One of the pedestrians, a fatality, and 4 were injured.
The most common errors committed by pedestrians incursions directly in front of an oncoming vehicle, careless entrance to the road behind the vehicle, disobeying the traffic light. In addition, deteriorating road conditions resulting from earlier twilight, precipitation, hinder the steering vehicles see pedestrian’s road users, often dressed in dark clothing.
Please note that pedestrian safety depends primarily on them. We remind you that pedestrian’s traffic participants must also obey traffic laws. Road Traffic Law introduces the following prohibitions with respect to pedestrians. Prohibits, among others, step on the road directly in front of a moving vehicle, including pedestrian crossing or outside the vehicle or other obstacle limiting the visibility of the road; crossing the road in a place with limited visibility of the road and the road.
Indicating the reasons for withholding the pedestrian should be noted that not only they are responsible for the accidents occurred. Incorrect maneuvering crossings by drivers exceeding the speed limit, overtaking and bypassing vehicles in the area of pedestrian crossings, are the main causes of accidents, which are in charge of the perpetrators and the victim’s pedestrians.
The police traffic department in carrying out various preventive measures to improve safety encourages all pedestrians road, regardless of age, of placing at least reflective tapes on garments, which significantly improves safety.
Remember that driving a vehicle with the lights on notice of 300 – 400 meters and the driver of such a vehicle will notice the unlit pedestrian from a distance of 15 – 20 meters. The braking distance at a speed of 50 km / h is about 25 meters.
Also in the autumn exposed to road traffic accidents are cyclists and moped.
It is also their participation recorded during autumn more incidents on the road than at other times of the year.
An example might be an accident, which took place 23 September 2014.
With the limited transparency of air every cyclist should ensure that, in order to be visible to other road users. Reflective materials such as armbands, ankle straps are very visible when they illuminate headlights of oncoming vehicles.
The behavior in this period extra care on the roads also applies to vehicle drivers. Changing weather conditions with rain, strong winds and quickly the gathering dusk directing cars require more concentration.
Statistics show that in the autumn drivers make more mistakes on the road contributing to the increase in the number of traffic incidents in comparison with the summer period.
Approx. H. 18.30 on the route there was a traffic incident involving the driver of the Opel Corse. The head of Opel did not adjust speed to conditions on the road, resulting in the road on a curve he lost control of the car and pulled off the road hitting a roadside tree. Directed fled from the scene, as it turned out, he did not have permission to drive.
2 October 2014. In Iowa-settlement control SEAT 19-year-old Matthew K. found on the curve of the road did not adjust speed to conditions on the road and as a result lost control over the car run off the road and fell crashing into a tree. Directed general suffered injuries to his head and leg tendon rupture, while passenger broken arm and scratches his head. Both young men were not wearing seat belts.