To avoid disasters, the first thing we need to do is take care of our safety. For this reason, it is worth reading the tips below as carefully as after all, reflectors are one of the easiest ways to protect yourself.
- According to experts, the visibility of pedestrians and cyclists with reflectors or other reflective elements increases about 8 times. Why? The secret is simple – the reflectors reflect the light of the headlights aimed at them, helping the driver to see the person at night or in poor visibility. 2. The reflector should be mounted at the height of the vehicle lights. That means hanging a reflector on a backpack, hand grips don’t make sense. In such places, cars reflect light very poorly, which is a fundamental mistake.
- You must move in the opposite direction of traffic when traveling on a sidewalk, so the reflector should be on the right side of the body. If the reflector is turned over with a string or a strap, then it should be fastened to the pockets of your clothes, etc. If you are using a reflector strip, it should be placed on the sleeve of your clothes above your wrist or your shin.
- When choosing a reflector, it is also important to pay attention to the quality criteria. The reflector should be made of suitable reflective fabricand be resistant to changing weather conditions. The label shall bear the following markings: CE marking, EN 13356 or 3 triangles.
- Another important aspect is that the reflector must not be less than 15 cm and that the billboards can only cover 20%. of the total area. Reflectors from various companies often do not meet this criterion, so be careful – reflectors such as these will be too light.
- In addition to reflectors and straps, another effective means of protection is a reflective vest. One of the most important criteria when choosing it is that there should be two or more horizontal reflective elements at the waist. By the way, this vest is especially useful when you are getting out of the dark at night.
- All this information is relevant not only for pedestrians but also for cyclists. According to the Road Traffic Code, when driving on the road at night or in poor visibility, the bicycle must have a white light on the front and a red light on the back of the bicycle, and the bicycle rider must wear a reflective vest with reflective tapeor strap reflective elements. Also, there must be a red light reflector on the back of the bicycle, orange light reflectors on either side or other reflective elements attached to the wheel spokes.
- Under the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Republic of Lithuania, the Road Traffic Code states that failure to comply with the requirements set for pedestrians, drivers, bicyclists in the dark or low visibility will result in a fine of twenty-three to forty euros.