How much is human life worth? Sometimes only five zlotys

night reflective clothes

How much is human life worth? Someone will answer: it is priceless. But I will say it differently: 5 zlotys, and sometimes even less. That’s how much one reflective band costs. A band that has not saved one, no one will save a life.


Autumn and winter is a demanding season for drivers. Tire replacement, chassis maintenance, replacement of operating fluids – these are the topics that keep our heads busy this time of year.


But apart from purely technical problems, there is another, more serious problem – unmarked pedestrians after dark. This problem returns yearly. In winter, we often finish work after dark. Every day, hundreds and even thousands of cars leave the workplaces in the late afternoon hours. Also, there are no motorists who walk to the bus stop or home. Often in black jackets and pants – able to blend into one whole with the surroundings.


It is a real challenge for the driver, especially when a different car drives from the opposite direction, causing the driver to momentarily blind. The pedestrian is then 100% invisible, hence the simple way to set off an unnecessary human tragedy. And to think that it would be enough not to do so much: a reflector, a wristband or a reflective pendant so that the driver could see the passer-by and avoid the collision. Theoretically, every pedestrian moving around at night in an unbuilt area should have a reflective vest. Its lack may result in the imposition of a fine of 20 to even (note!) 500 zlotys. So much in theory. In practice, every driver knows how it is. A lot of pedestrians do not have any reflective materials on them. They often move in a considerable distance from the shoulder, not rarely in dark clothes. The driver has no snooping eyesight, in addition, fatigue after a full day of work causes a weakening of concentration and slowing down the reaction time. A man in a collision with a car has no chance, well, if he runs out of bruises. More often, however, accidents have a much worse final – they rarely cause disability or even death.


To realize the scale of the problem I will show a certain situation:


Outside the built-up area, the permissible speed is 90 km / h. This means that the driver travels about 25 meters of the road within 1 second. A pedestrian without glare becomes visible to the driver from 20-30 meters. The driver has a reaction time not much longer than the blink of an eye. The chance of avoiding the deduction is practically nil. When another car comes up from the opposite side, it is enough that the pedestrian-driver will see only a few meters from the distance, he will instinctively stick to the right edge of the road, which further narrows down the pedestrian place.


And what is the situation when a pedestrian has a reflection?


Even a small reflective tape makes the driver notice the pedestrian already from a distance of 130-150 meters! It’s five times before! So he has time to take the right reaction and prevent the deductions.


A part of the passers-by is often escaped by mobile phones. Seeing the oncoming car turn on the flashlights and give signals to the driver. Of course, it’s better than nothing – but the phone can fail, the battery grazes and we are again exposed to danger. In our area, there is no shortage of places outside built-up areas with long straights where 90 km / h regulation is not a problem. Driving late in the morning, we can feel safe – because what can surprise us – the road is even, the weather is good. This additionally makes you feel sleepy – suddenly, it grows out of nowhere from where you walk in front of the mask. Often there are no chances for reactions. Later, wondering who was guilty – whether the driver who could drive slower (you can always go slower) or a pedestrian who was not visible. Of course, the lack of flares does not relieve the driver of responsibility for what is happening on the road. But let’s not demand over human traits among drivers. An invisible pedestrian is a bit like a delayed-ignition bomb on the road. It does not often give the driver a chance to save.


So once again – a few zlotys – that’s how much they can cost us quiet evenings and safe returns home. So much for so much.


In the end, I repeat the appeal: wear reflections – there are better ways to hit the headlines of the local press that the department with obituaries. One reflection and can save a life. Drivers are not saints – they agree – but pedestrians are also road users and are equally responsible for what is happening on these roads. Below is another short video (no matter uncensored). He shows exactly what he wants to convey with this text. That’s it for today – a wide safe road!

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