“A Bright Future” – with this motto starts today in Elementary School in Potsdam safety action for first graders. The ADAC and the German Post distributed nationwide in approximately 16,000 primary schools 750,000 west graders. Since the beginning of the action in 2010, the ADAC has spent with their supporters around 5.3 million free safety vests to first graders.
The bright yellow vests make children more visible, especially in the dark winter months on the way to school and at play. Motorists can identify children with a safety vest earlier and react in time. Because at dusk or in the dark, children visible with yellow reflective vests already made up to 140 meters. This is almost five times as much as in dark clothing children, which can be seen only from 25 meters.
The accident figures for children are also still too high. 2015 accident 28 235 children under 15 years on the road, 84 of them died. At the elementary school students between six and nine year’s 7,671 children were involved in accidents, 20 died.
ADAC President and Chairman of the Board of Trustees of the ADAC “Yellow Angel”, Dr. August, said in Potsdam: “Children are not small adults. Your physical and mental abilities are not yet fully developed. Therefore, they cannot have the right overview and recognize dangers often too late. We therefore appeal to all parents to make their children more visible. Bright and reflective clothing, like our safety vest, helps. ”
Dr. Rainer Wend, Director of Policy and Regulation Management of Deutsche Post, emphasized: “With around 30,000 packets we bring the West free to schools. We ask the teachers to encourage their students in the classroom to wear the vest and to support the children, active case. ”
The ADAC has been designed for safety campaign educational materials. Children learn through play the protective benefits of the safety vest know. In addition, a competition for the first time conducted nationwide that motivates children to wear the reflective vest every day.
The ADAC since its foundation in 2007 supports accident prevention projects for children and adolescents. It promotes accident research projects at universities and institutes of technology, helping people in need who are in need after an accident. The central concern of the company is to increase the protection and road safety.