Annie Bennett Expert destinations Ibiza travel guide provides a detailed overview of the best attractions, hotels, restaurants, bars and clubs.
Bennett has lived in Spain since the 1980s with varying degrees of success. He has authored a guidebook for Madrid in the journal International Geographic Traveler, as well as Madrid and Barcelona travel books, published by the publishing house Blue Guides. He has won several awards, including a Spanish journalist on the trip Prize.
Although the island is famous for the world’s best nightclubs, there is also extremely beautiful coastline with dozens of small kaljuõõntega to explore, not to mention the Mediterranean stiilsematest best hotels. In autumn and winter, when visiting Ibiza, you can pretty much a greater sense of life, especially when kaevute circuses the island’s history.
Although the season is going to take off in May and subsides in October, is a beautiful island full of spring, during flowering almond tree.
The Balearic Islands are with reflective element suitable for various degrees of active recreation at any time, except during the hottest months of July and August. On a sunny day in late autumn however, is not always guaranteed and is likely to have cervical rain rainy time.
In winter there are fewer flights, and probably you have to fly a connecting Palmas, Madrid and Barcelona.
Ibiza runs from the airport to the city of Ibiza, Sent Anton and Santa Eulalie’s Estonia, similarly to other towns and villages across the island.
Disco bus provides services from June to September, and runs the whole night between the different nightclubs.
A taxi from the airport to the city costs about 14 Euros.
The Balearic Islands is going to definitely need a car if you want to ride quietest on beaches or just explore the surroundings. Car lease read the small print of the parts to be sure that your insurance covers also the small unpaved road driving scratches or dents on the car should emerge.
The law stipulates that your passport must always be accompanied by a passport kandma.Sageli are required to show their debit or credit card payment.
When driving the car you need to have two warning triangle, reflective vest, two, a spare tire and spare headlight bulbs. Children below the age of 12 are allowed to ride in the front seat but restraint.
To share a table with strangers is not a habit, even fast-food places. Lõunasöögiaeg is 14 pm, supper begins at the earliest at 21, typically at 22 in most of the bars are not a cause of trouble, but if you want to restrooms (los services) use.
Although the Spaniards like to have used alcohol, drunk and staggering, people on the street, however, rare.
There is a little cheaper to consume a drink at the bar or reflective tape as a restaurant, outdoor tables usually have to pay a thing ordered for 20 euro cents more.
Local typically leave a little tip – refreshments case of a few tens of cents, but quite often not left anything. 10protsendise leaving a tip is considered generous; 5protsendine is common – when you just somewhere very chic places are not present, which will come into play by international rules.
If the hotel is not included in the price of breakfast is far cheaper and more fun to go to a bar – unless you’re starving is not, in which case a matter for the breakfast buffet.
Will have the customary kiss on each cheek, but it does not apply to hotels and other servicers for.
Travel with your reflective vest in Spain